My thoughts:
Today in class we watched a short film named identity, as meaningful as it sounds, it displays the different 'masks' people wear in order to mix in, or camouflage with the crowd and how they function. My basic thoughts on this film, first off was that it contained a few philosophies or humane principles explained in this film. There was first off the girl in the mask, second where they mentions Plato's theory and third the rules of chess relation to life.
The girl in the mask: This section of the movie, showed how many people in modern time, in attempting to fit in, and interact with other people by ignoring your personal needs and feelings. It was surprisingly very true, in what this movie tried to portray, and seemed realistic even with the masks. There were also specific parts in the movie where the population is divided into two basic groups, the males (brown) and the females (yellow), this symbolizes segregation, separation and prisoning a person's inner thoughts. This movie all across had many symbols, ideology, life related principles and philosophies. Such as the masks, they represented segregated groups of people, and how they have to follow a 'cult' in order to mix in with everyone else.
Plato's Theory: This philosophy also intertwined with the concept of masks. This theory suggests that when a person has spent their whole life in a dark cave, they see the world as a series of dark walls, until the chosen one comes and shows them the rest of the world. This theory can be compared to the girl with the mask, because they share the same concept of being imprisoned, and held captive among st a common group or area.
Chess: This part of the movie symbolizes how people are used and manipulated among st society, and how people like them use us for their own benefit.
In conclusion this movie, was a symbolic and an idealistic film. It portrayed the different principles we share with each other in order to live, in the midst of society. This movie was surprisingly very true, and made sense it its context, and its intention was clear in what it meant to symbolize, or project to their audience.
The masks I wear in different Situations:
Us as humans, and as a unique personality we all wear different types and shapes of masks, which symbolize, and identify who we are and what we do. Reflecting upon myself I can identify and affectively justify the reasons I wear these masks. As for my age, the masks worn by my peers will be surprisingly similar.
The mask I wear in every situation, is mostly peaceful, a bit talkative and mostly thinking upon history, otherwise what else happened that day, and how it could have gone differently on the course of the masks I wear. I wear (interpretation) A slightly blue and faintly green around the sides background mask, which symbolizes tension, and peace in different parts of my brain. There are images, or signs of time around the mask, signifying keeping time, and a sense of socialization when I am with other people, otherwise a crowd of people around the masks surface.
The mask I wear in a more serious, tense situation would be colored orange, the borders would be very dark red, and the part around the eyes would be dark orange, this mask would be mostly blank, since I am only focusing on one thing, and cannot do anything else at the time due to the tense situation.
The mask I wear when I am tired, or while I am playing football, contains a very light blue mask, with abstract colorization around the borders and middle of the mask, there will also be an image of water, or the sea signifying sweat, or tension. Some parts of the mask will have to be red, since they will signify or symbolize, fear, tension or other expressions related to high pressure.
Masks: To be brought to class physically
First mask: Tension, I chose a very sharp edged, and symbolizing mask for my first mask, this mask is slightly triangular, which symbolizes an uneven, odd feeling due to the triangles odd numbers and measurements. (a bit silly), this mask has outreaching patters from the sides, which signify and overpowering force of tension invading my normal thoughts, this mask also contains an irritated expression through the eyes, which have large cast shadows beneath them, and angry wrinkles along the border of the structure. There is also illustrations of fire, and horns along the surface of the mask inspired by the mask from the movie saw, this mask also signifies a few signs of anger, sadness and tension along the mask with wrinkles and facial expressions.
Source: |
Second Mask: Peace: This mask is intended to signify a time of day when I am not feeling tension, sadness or any other feelings, therefore it is a peaceful, empty and light weighted expression, By light weighted expression I mean that the mask has light colors and has less mental tension through colorization. The eyes of this mask are glass, otherwise mirrored, which signifies the fact that I am not observing outside, or irrelevant events, comments or interactions. This mask also has a few clouds around it, which again signifies the light mental tension, and peace, There is also a bird, flying through the mask, which intends to mean freedom and signify and independent expression at this time of day. This mask has a few green patches, or what I would like to call them
Burns, from past events, or moments of high tension. As it can be observed some parts are less covered meaning that this state of burning is slowly starting to fade through a free state of expressions, signified by this mask.'
Third Mask: My third mask signifies, embarrassment, sadness or a type of dismay, which is observably signified through faintly open eyes, a water fall flowing down one side of the face, and a few burns along the sides of the face (the ones I mentioned in the previous justification, This mask has two sides, one for sadness and another for slight anger, above that section of the mask, both sides meet and then further illustrates a sun rising from the sea, intending to mean that there is light in the midst of all this, otherwise the famous saying that there is always a way out. I picked this mask because it signified mostly what I think and feel in this state.
This activity, seemed to be very intentional and meaningful. After watching the movie, I saw a few ideals, principles and especially interpretations of different situations, mental situation and social interaction. This activity helped me understand this
Weirdly True (- Jack Tickle) concept of the movie. It was a fun activity designing the masks, and was a learning experience, especially for this age group.
Different Examples of inspired masks, and concepts can be found here: