Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Acting Day! (14th January 2014)

Today half of the class which completed the assigned tasks for the week, were meant to pick a character out of a personally made list of stock characters which could be found in an average, day to day High School. I personally enjoyed this event, it has been a practical and a very improvised task. It was very fun to conduct and sometimes laugh in between class mates (although this task was independent). It was personally a very relaxing or a more enjoyable task not only because it was the end of the day, but also because it was the perfect way to end the long school day, with a fun, enjoyable and practical activity. I really hope we do these kind of tasks in the future since they help not only to bring out the inner acting spirit of myself, though of the classmates and the students around me.

I picked the infamous victim, or the unlucky guy. Who's description was that he is first off a victim of any type of accident, incident or just random events which occur around the corridor. My act focused more on a simple, and very concise format. I tried to mimic a few people who I have seen in movies, TV shows and even real-life. My act started off with me, walking through the corridor with an uncomfortable facial expression which was trying to signify my urge and desperation for attention or to act cool. where as moments later I had bumped into an open locker door and fallen to the floor. Afterwards I stood up and said that was it. There were cheers and mostly laughing faces from the audience, which was a sign that not only was the act entertaining, engaging and comedic, yet the audience was able to find a slight connection between my act and the character I had picked. I chose this character mainly because this is a very infamous, unique and creative character, which we can empathize or add to. I knew that this character could be improvised on, and a fun task to not only perform, but to enjoy from the audience. I tried my best to keep it short and concise, so the point or the main message was conveyed in a more of a sketch type of manner. This character mainly has most of its energy in the face, and the torso. Mostly because the face empathizes what goes on in the face. The facial expression adds to the overall experience, and there is required tension in both areas to be aware, which part is being moved, when and why.

There were also alot of very good, and well performed pieces today in class, (contemporary group) such as Arshad. Arshad was the talkative one, the chatterbox, and he acted this piece out better than anyone else would. His facial expressions while talking, looked like professional miming and his hand and body gestures were fantastic, one improve for him would be to use his environment more, and interact with the audience around him.

Overall as I mentioned  before, This task has been very relaxing and enjoyable, and again the best possible way to end the day. I really enjoyed this class and I really hope we do more sketches, or other short acts in class, because not only are they entertaining and good to perform, they also help increase our capability to perform practical tasks as-well guided by the research or other written tasks. Overall a great class, and really hoping to do more of these soon!

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