Sunday, 16 March 2014

Final Performance Process Update- Unit 2

Starting off the class last week, we started to plan and brainstorm out three scenes that could possibly best describe pantalone (Anira) and Harlequino's (Saadman/me) relationship, the ideas that we devised for our final Comedia dell' Arte final performance task were the following:

  • Pantalone tries to greedily steal a few vegetables from a stall, while the merchant is facing away, harlequino makes a large gramelot noise and notifies the merchant, in result pantalone is in trouble... Later on pantalone finds out who did this, and finds that harlequino is hiding behind a tree, as pantalone rushes with his ushered back, harlequino continues to jump around and notify everybody, later on pantalone punches harlequino and he falls to the ground fainted... Pantalone once again locks his room and goes in to trade with a successful merchant, Harlequino picks the lock and successfully ruins the trade, takes the chair away from pantalone, and in result he will fall.
We tried to focus on one big idea throughout the class, so we picked the idea focused on above, We chose this because it had more climax, there was drama, entertainment and most important of all it will show the two characters relationships in the world of comedia, Our story will have some audience interactions, such as when harlequino is picking the lock he will ask the audience members fir help on pranks or tricks to play on pantalone, it will be above 2 minutes maximum 3. And there will me a use of constant gramelot throughout, otherwise it will contain exaggerated expressions and meet the requirements on the rubric.

  • It contains most of the requirements from the rubric (strength)
  • It is a bit continuous and repetitive (weakness)

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