Monday, 3 March 2014

-lazzi (what were your favorites within this piece? why?) 

My favorite part of today's class was viewing the different professional performances played and how we performed a bit today, our next class we re gonna get together in our groups and create another piece or scene tomorrow. ABOUT THE VIDEO, MY FAVORITE part was when they were in the car, the car had the best environmental sounds and furthermore a greater environment, it felt more alive and also because of the interaction with the audience. The other favorite part of the performance was when the girl corresponded to the actor, it seemed like the girl was paying attention and furthermore interacted with the actor fully, it showed that they were both fit for the scene and that the girl knew she was going to be the one to be on stage, i would like to question if the scene was planned or if it was improvised. Overall I found this very entertaining, and intuitive, it seemed very innovative to me especially because I never experienced anything like this before.

-using varied interactions (environment, props, characters, etc.) 

the environment was created through varied sounds and two chairs it was unique how they did the whole act with such a small use of physical props, they mainly used sounds which was their main interaction. The environment was fully generated through random sounds and probably a series of lights, the lights helped create a simple mood, but it also enhanced the actor's mood and overall facial expression. The variety interactions helped create mood and environment, the main props were two chairs, otherwise the rest were created through imagination. 
-taking out to audience 

He called up a girl from the audience for his act. THe girl acted appropriately and went with the whole act,  he took out the audience by bringing out his inner character, honestly i think that the essential way to take out, is to act like your in the character's shoes, therefore you need to be the character in order to act it.
-exaggerated emotion (1 to 10) 

his exaggerated emotion was about 7 out of 10, this was when he was in the car, there was a lot of exaggerated expressions and emotions since he had a member of the audience, he had to clearly show the audience member what he was trying to communicate, therefore he had to be exaggerated.
-exaggerated physicality (use of space) 

He changed his use of space during different scenes so that was the only part where it occurred. The stage had different parts, such as the car, a park sort of place and some other environments, therefore it was divided so that the character could move around and create separate environments around the area.
-exaggerated facial expression 

During the car scene, when he got angry, happy and somewhat sedudctive. Again like before he used it to take out to the audience therefore it was required for the whole performance.
-stock characters of Commedia: He looked a bit like harlequin and pant alone changing at times. He had to do so in order to communicate with the audience around him.
-performance elements (sound, lights, staging) 

The main performance elements were sounds and lights, both used to create simple moods or serious emotions, both were created from lights and sounds, utilizing the senses of the human in order to show the audience what the actor means.
-working with audience member (how did he make it clear to her what she should do? how did he support and lead her through the scene?)

He used sounds and other senses to enhance it. he also used lights and other stage inventions to communicate to the audience what and how he meant what he stated.

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