Part 1: Performance Task 1 Self-Assessment
What choices did you make for your rough draft performance?
For my first rough performance, I made the following choices to enhance and add to my performance:
· Add in more body gestures,
· Interact with the environment or the audience around you
· Communicate well with the audience in terms of what you are meet doing
· Facial Expressions
I tried to include as many of the features listed above, to enhance my performance and overall communication, I wanted to add to the process which I utilize to convey a message, or a specific environment to the audience, to not only add to mine but the audience’s experience along the performance aswell, I received kind yet constructive criticism about my act last class, and I hope that the new performance is/will be better than before, or at least meet the requirements, or the inquiries of the audience.
How much time did you spend practicing for your performance?
To sum up the period of time I had spent on working on thinking, and composing this act would be very less compared to other tasks in drama class, Since the act was short it was easy to image the act, and the overall goal and requirement of the performance, but the more difficult part was keeping it concise, fitting the whole message, or environmental data to the audience, to show them what is around me, and what I am doing. In order to convey this message I indeed had to practice for around thirty to forty minutes but around 1 half hour thinking about the concise part, composing and organizing the series of movements, expressions and gestures… To perfectly fit the character I had picked and meet the audience’s and my personal requirements.
What specific feedback did you get from your Rough Draft performance?
From my rough performance, the audience respected my performance, and alongside they also provided constructive criticism, or in this case feedback. The feedback the audience provided for me, were:
· To contain more facial expressions
· Higher interaction with environment
· Communicate with audience
· Overall Body Gestures.
What did you choose to change for your Final Performance?
For my final performance I chose to change the focuses below:
To contain more facial expressions
· Higher interaction with environment
· Communicate with audience
· Overall Body Gestures.
I consistently tried to include these 3-4, requirements into my performance/s. As observable from the repition along this blog… But I try to add these factors into most of my performances, only because they are areas of focus for me personally, and they are things I need to improve in order to enjoy not only myself but the audience aswell.
How did you feel your Final performance went?
My performance was overall quite good, it met the requirements, and achieved my personal goals, I felt it was successful from my point of view, but can be improved.
What specific feedback did you get?
The feedback which I received from Ms. Kimi, go as it follows:
“The Unlucky One”—victim of perpetual bad luck
-extra points for the fall (nice commitment)—looked real!
-nice physicality with legs & arms
-facial expressions good
-little longer, explanation with more things
-take out to audience
-reaction to test
Phone breaking, good…
Really unlucky—foot smacks floor
Good interactions
No taking out to audience
The feedback I received was good, and constructive, I appreciate the effort the audience put into analyzing my performance, and I really appreciate the basic attention the audience provides for me.
What score would you give your performance out of 10 using Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
I would rate my performance a 7 out of 10. The 7 is a high number, and I think it is the maximum, or a more generous grading for my performance. My performance was quite good (not being arrogant). It was overall successful and there are some essential improvements to be made, it deserves a 7 at most because I showed an average understanding and had a good sense of idea and ability therefore I deserve this number out of 10, according to the criterion.
Part 2:
Pick someone who's character is completely opposite than the one you chose.
Evaluate their character based on what you know about the character.
How close did they come? What did you like about their performance?
What do you think they could have improved from their performance?
What score out of 10 would you give them using the Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
For this part I am picking Arshad, otherwise the chatterbox. The performance was one of the best, and his specialty was his use of levels and extreme facial expressions. His character based on both real life and media related experiences, I can state that it was extremely realistic, I use the work extreme because of his essential use of facial expressions, he seemed like an ignorant person only talking about himself and other people, not listening to incoming conversations, he seemed that he was doing so. He actually came very close, but maybe he should have added a bit more interaction maybe more environment, by probably giving people the ‘hand’ and performing other talkative gestures. I loved his use of levels along the performance, especially during him lying down on the floor. I liked his performance a lot, and I would grade it 8/10, I would give it that because he had exceptional skill and ability and knew what to do to imitate or act out this character. He met my requirements of facial expressions and levels, therefore it was AWESOME! GOOD JOB!